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                Professional manufacturer of ultrasonic metal welding equipment Tel:0769-87559708


                Dongguan Libo Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in Fenggang Town, Dongguan City in October 2002. It is a high-tech enterprise focusing on ultrasonic technology application research and development, design, production, sales and service. The company has a strong technical force, each business department has a number of senior engineers responsible for R & D design and technical guidance, and the production department has professional senior technicians and skilled operators.

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                Consult us

                If you have any technical or business inquiries, please add me on WeChat to provide you with the perfect solution!

                Product advantages

                Ultrasonic welding does not need any welding auxiliary materials, reducing costs for enterprises √
                A standard welding is completed within one second, improving efficiency for enterprises √

                Ultrasonic metal welding


                Our Client

                Addr:Building A10, Xiawei Commercial and Residential Area, Fengqing Road, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City
                Email:lbcsb@163.com lbcsb@126.com

                Main products: 超声波金属焊接机〖 超声波塑胶∮焊接机

                Copyright ? 2002-2023 Dongguan Libo Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd. All rights reserved