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                Professional manufacturer of ultrasonic metal welding equipment Tel:0769-87559708 24小时技术支持电▲话:13602300129


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                The service life of the ultrasonic welding head of the automobile door panel welding machine

                Some say that there is no problem for one year, and some say that there is no problem for two years. These are not the core of the problem. The answer to this question should be: How many times can our horn be used.

                In order to improve the service life of the ultrasonic welding head of the automobile door panel welding machine, the masters in the industry have tried their best. The first choice is the selection of materials: aluminum alloy, American 7075 aluminum alloy, aluminum alloy chrome plating, titanium alloy, steel mold, steel mold heat treatment, these are all It can affect the service life of the ultrasonic welding head, but it is not the main factor. The core factor affecting the life of the welding head is the accuracy of the frequency of the welding head.

                The traditional welding head production generally adopts reverse thinking, and uses a machine to test the mold: first make a prototype of the mold, install it on the machine, and keep changing the mold. When the current value is the smallest, the welding head is OK. What is the frequency of this welding head? The person who made it can't tell, only knows that it can be used. When such a welding head is installed on the machine, problems will arise in the future: the machine will be overloaded inexplicably, or the mold will crack. Such a production method cannot determine the frequency at all, and the frequency of the welding head is inconsistent with the frequency of the machine. Manufacturers can only make vague statements about the service life, and buyers are worried and helpless.

                what to do? Dongguan Libo Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd. has developed a comprehensive ultrasonic welding head analyzer. It is a compact and portable instrument with a weight of only 1.5KG. When making a welding head, you only need to click on the scanning frequency on the software, effectively To ensure the accuracy of the frequency. At 21:30 on the evening of April 1, 2017, that is, two years after the company was established, the company's laboratory found that the service life of the ultrasonic welding head: 351,600 times. The service life is more than twice that of the traditional welding head, and it can ensure the normal operation of the machine. Scientific analysis and precise production make the domestic automobile door panel welding machine industry take a big step forward.

                Addr:Building A10, Xiawei Commercial and Residential Area, Fengqing Road, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City
                Tel:0769-87559708 24小时技术支■持电话:13602300129
                Email:lbcsb@163.com lbcsb@126.com

                Main products: 超声波金属焊接≡机 超声波塑胶焊接机

                Copyright ? 2002-2023 Dongguan Libo Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd. All rights reserved